"Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants." -Michael Pollan

Monday, September 17

Simple Breakfast

Man, I am just LOVING this Fall weather!!! It's bringing back so many memories. I can't believe it's still only mid-September.

It was hard getting up this morning, but since I didn't workout yesterday, going to the gym was mandatory. We were slow, but we made it. I started the day with half a Kashi bar:

Workout was 30 minutes stairmaster, 10 minutes funky elliptical, and 10 minutes upper body lifting. 420 calories burned.

Breakfast was Trader Joe's Fruit and Nut High Fiber Cereal with a cup of strawberries, 1/2 a cup of raspberries, and 1 cup of milk:

And coffee.

Breakfast calories: ~435. I'm breaking even this morning!

The house is clean and I feel organized. I hope today is a good day at work!


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