"Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants." -Michael Pollan

Thursday, November 8

Rise and Shine!!

Peanut Butter, Walnut, Banana Oatmeal
made with Milk, Vanilla and a Sprinkle of Brown Sugar

with Butterscotch Coffee

Couldn't resist not having peanut butter oatmeal again. And I think switching up my bowls had made me enjoy it more! I got this bowl from my sister for my birthday and put it in our "entertaining cabinet," but it makes a perfect size oatmeal bowl, so out it came! Nothing like entertaining my SELF with a new bowl :)

Had toast with jam and some Smart Balance for breakfast #1:

Workout was great - 26 minutes elliptical, 16 minutes running (while reading a magazine - that was quite a challenge!!), plus 7 minutes on the stat bike. No time for lifting today :( 426 calories burned!

Total breakfast calories: ~550.

Thought of the Day:

It's easier to just say "no thanks" then it is to have one bite and stop eating:

If you're watching calories, you shouldn't accept a slice of cake thinking you'll have only a taste. "That's walking to the edge of a cliff, leaning over, and trying not to fall," says Marlene Schwartz, director of research at the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. "Don't set yourself up like that. Instead simply say, 'No, thank you.'" You don't have to give a reason, and you're not being a party pooper for abstaining. "It's not right to put people in a position where they feel pressured to eat," Schwartz says.


Anonymous said...

LOVE the thought of the day!!! I have to remember that! Ok, so your oatmeal pictures have made my decision for me...after my current container of egg whites runs out...I'm switching over the oatmeal for a bit for breakfast. :-) Hope you're having a great day! -Meggers-

KathEats said...

: ) If I have anything that doesn't involve OATS for breakfast I'm sad. This PB/walnut/banana oatmeal is KILLER!!! But so are oatmeal pancakes. It's such a hard decision every morning and is usually dictated by what other fruit we have on hand.

KathEats said...

PS. You have to keep the PB on the spoon instead of stirring it in. That way you get a little lick in every bite. If you stir it in it gets too diluted and you can't really taste it. It's just all "PB flavored" then. You can also get by with much LESS PB if you keep it on the spoon. I just put a little pile of oats on the spoon and am careful not to bite off too much PB per bite. This is ALSO good because you eat more SLOWLY!!