"Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants." -Michael Pollan

Friday, October 12

Lunch + Snack

Totally forgot to post lunch!! Whoops! It was good, but I'm hungrier than usual today. Perhaps because I was under calories yesterday.

Egg salad over toasted corn tortillas and lettuce:

Lettuce + veggies with hazelnut oil drizzled on top (delish!)

Lemon yogurt and flax seed:

+ Kiwi


And hot tea:

Total lunch calories: ~460

Also got in a 45-minute walk out in the cool weather! -150 calories : )


100 calorie kettle corn + cup of milk:

Snack calories: ~200

Getting another 30-45 minute walk before dinner, which is at a Middle Eastern Kabob Grill with the mother-in-law. I plan on getting vegetable soup, pita and hummus. I don't need much! Plus, most of the items have onion in them = ewwww. I might have a chicken skewer too, but I'm not sure. Or the lentil soup instead of the veggie.

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