Enjoying the most delicious sliced plum!! I LOVE plum skin for some reason - it's so tangy. And this plum was HUGE!
Health TIP: I almost always slice up my fruit when I can. You eat it much slower and are able to enjoy it more than if you're trying to keep it from falling apart in your hands/mouth/juices, especially things like plums and peaches.
Now this might be a totally stupid realization. Many times the biggest reason why I want to eat (and usually resort to a piece of Orbit Sweet Mint gum) is that my palate is bored and I want to improve the taste in my mouth. Not to be gross or anything, but we all know unless you're eating strawberries all day, things get a little bland between meals in there, especially between the hours of 2 and 4pm. So my big realization? If I brush my teeth after lunch I don't have this problem! I already have two toothbrushes (one upstairs, one down) so I don't know why I didn't think to bring one to work sooner, but I just discovered one in my desk drawer that I got from my dentist along with a mini tube of paste. And what do you know - I LOVED getting to brush my teeth after lunch! I think this will be a new habit. (And my teeth will thank me!).
Tomorrow I'll have to remember to bring in some floss too and get all the morning and evening dental habits going after lunch.
I am leaving work in about 20 minutes to head to the dining hall and class. If my class gets out on time (8:45), I'll have to rush home to get in bed. So I might skip my dinner post till the morning. Hope that's OK with y'all!
I also just found out we have ANOTHER frat brother joining the party tonight. Ugggg......
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